Monday, September 21, 2009

( September 21, 2009 )

Today in class we finished doing the NaCl labs, and did the write-ups. Mr. Doktor gave us the "Theoretical" measurement of the actual amount of salt that could be dissolved in the distilled water to determine the percentage error. We were given time to do our review questions
(page 50-54, #2, 5, 25-27, 33, 43, 49, 57) and finish the lab write-up. Review questions are due on the day of the test.

The graph diagram above, is an example of one of the review questions that were assigned as practice (#25), for the Chapter test on Wednsday (Sept, 23). The dependent variable of this question is the Temperature (on the y-axis) and the independent variables are the Months (found on the x-axis). This is one of the many questions assigned.

Today's class mostly consisted of review and independent seat work. If you missed today's class, (see above) for the homework, and make sure to check your homework sheet to have everything completed and ready to hand in on the day of the test!


1 comment:

  1. If Queen is the best, why did she include a graph showing average monthly temperature for an entry that should be about NaCl dissolving in water?
