Monday, November 30, 2009


Solution: A homogeneous mixture
Solute: The one present in a smaller amount
Solvent: The one present in a larger amount
Concentration: Amount of solute/amount of solvent

Some Units for Con'c

g/mL, g/L, mg/L, mg/L, mg/mL, ug/L

Most Common (and useful) Units are

mol/L = Molarity = Molar Concentration
M= mol/L, mol = M.L, L= mol/L

The triangle method can be used in this situation
This can only be used for an aqueous solution, but not for gases

Example #1: If you dissolve 25.0g of NaNO3 in water to make 500mL of the solution, what is the concentration?

[NaOH3] = M= 1.0mol/0.500L = 2 mol/L

Example #2: Jacob Black needs to make 550.0mL of 0.65M AgCl in order to weaken a rogue werewolf. What mass of solid AgCl is required?


0.65mol x 0.550L = 0.358mol x 143.4g = 51.34g is needed to weaken a rogue werewolf

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