Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hydrates! October 6th, Tuesday

In this class, we learned about hydrates! We first went over the "7-1 Practice Problems" sheet, which had problems of writing formulas for some compounds.

Apparently, hydrates are compounds that form lattices, and bond to water molecules (H2O). An example of this is, Copper Sulfate and Sodium Sulfate. On the otehr hand, an anhydrate, is a compund without the water.

Now we can NAME HYDRATES! :)
Follow these easy steps, and you can name your own hydrates LOL
1) Write the name of the Chemical formula
2) Add a prefix that tells you the number of water molecules (choose from below)
1 - mono
2 - di
3 - tri
4 - tetra
5 - penta
6 - hexa
7 - hepta
8 - octa
9 - nona
10 - deca
3) Add hydrate after prefix

- Cu(So4)-5H20: Copper (II) Sulfate pentahydrate
- Nickel (II) Sulfate hexahydrate: Ni(SO4)-6H2O


Do you know anything aboaut Molecular Compounds? Well read this if you don't ! :)

Molecular compounds are composed of 2 or more nonmentals (bonded covalently). They have a low melting and boiling point, and they share electrons (not exchange!)

How can you tell if they're a molecular compound? Well one way is to look at the ending. Usually they end in -gen or -ine! There are 7 diatomic molecules (which means they cannot exsist on their own).. Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Flurorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. If you look for these seven elements on the Periodic Table, you will find they are literally arranged in the shape of the number 7.

There are two polyatomic molecules, S8 and P4 (Sulphur and Phosphorus).

Now how to NAME MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS! Follow these steps:
1) Arrange the two names
2) Figure out how many ions you have of each
3) Add the prefixes to the names
1 - mono
2 - di
3 - tri
4 - tetra
5 - penta
6 - hexa
7 - hepta
8 - octa
9 - nona
10 - deca
*Note, if the first name only has ONE ion, you DO NOT need to write "mono"*

We were given a sheet "7-3 Practice Problems" for homework. It was stapled to a second sheet, called "7-3 Apply" which one the back had "7-3 Review and Reinforcement" (also due next class).

Everything that I've said in this blog, should be able to help you answer all your questions for your homework :)

(Queen's entry!)

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