Monday, January 25, 2010

More Stoichiometry (Jan. 22, 2010)

At the beginning of class, we were handed back the lab we did, as well as any late or missing assignments that were handed in.

Here's the lesson:
-Mass to moles
-Volume @ STP (22.4L/mol)
*These were the basics we needed to know; the rest of the class consisted of many examples and problems involving the conversion from mass to moles and using volume @ STP.

Examples with Mr. Doktor:
1) If 2.0g of O2 reacts with nitrogen monoxide, what volume of nitrogen dioxide is produced at STP?
2) In the formation of copper (II) oxide, 3.5g of copper react. How many moles of copper oxide are produced?
Examples we did on our own:
3) What mass of water is produced when 3.5L of hydrogen is burnt? (reacted with O2)
2H2 + O2 ---> 2H2O
3.5 L of H2 x 1 mol/22.4 L x 2 mol H2O/2 mol H2 x 18 g/1 mol H2O =
2.8 g of H2O

4) Lead (IV) nitrate reacts with 2.5g of potassium iodide. How many moles of lead (IV) nitrate are needed?
Pb(NO3)4 + 4KI ---> PBI4 + 4KNO3
2.5 gK Ix 1 mol/166 g KI x1 mol Pb(NO3)4/4 mol KI =
0.0038 mol of PBI4

Stoichiometry Booklet #14-19

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