Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18, 2010

ALDEHYDES: The general group is ...

In order to name it properly, you must change the -e ending to -al.

EXAMPLE: methanal

CARBOXYLIC ACIDS are found in insect bites, which are also building blocks of fats/steroids. To name it properly, change the ending to -oic acid.The general group is ...

EXAMPLE: 3 bromo 2 methyl butanioc acid

ESTERS are found in flavorings, perfumes, cosmetics, fruits, and vegetable oil, which are formed by esterfication of carboxylic acids. To name it right, name the primary chain with a -yl ending, and the secondary chain with an -oate ending. The general group is ...

EXAMPLE: ethyl propanoate (rum flavoring)

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