Tuesday, October 20, 2009

THE MOLE...dun dun dun dun

At the beginning of class, we started with a demonstration of Mole Ratios

2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O

-The first balloon had a bigger explosion than the second because the amount of Hydrogen and the amount of Oxygen probably had the same ratios, hence creating a bigger explosion

-The second balloon had a smaller explosion because Hydrogen might have escaped leaving the ratio unbalanced. More Hydrogen needed to create bigger explosion.


1 MOLE (mol) = 6.02x10E23 --> 602 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (6.02x10E23=Avagadro's number)

Hydrogen Bomb Equation

2H2 + O2 --> 2H2

2 H2 molecules + 1 O2 molecule --> 2 molecules of H2O

12.04x10E23 of H2 molecules + 6.02x10E23 of O2 molecules --> 12.04x10E23 molecules of H2O

2mol of H2 + 1mol of O2 --> 2mol of H2O

How big is Avagadro's Number?
Let's look at it in terms of currency
$1 mol (
$6.02x10E23) =$6.0x10E23/6.0x10E9people
=$1.0x10E14 (100000000000000)

How gases combine
John Dalton
-Look at masses o
f gasses
11.1g of H2 reacts with 88.9g of O2
46.7g of N2 reacts with 53.5g of O2
42.9g of C reacts with 77.1g of O2
>NO PATTER< Joseph Gay-Lussac
-combine gases based on volume
1L of H2 reacts with 1L of Cl2 --> 2L of HCl
1L of N2 reacts with 3L of H2 --> 2L of NH3
2L of CO reacts with 1L of O2 --> 2L of CO2
-gases combine in simple whole number ratios

Avagadro's Hypothesis
-equal volumes of any gas at a constant temperature and pressure conain equal numbers of molecules

-we only tested the bigger potato gun; works when there is an equal amount of hairspray and oxygen mixed together to ignite a big OOOOMPH! the paper towel nearly killed the whole class.

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